No license required to buy or use!

Direct replacement for 134a and other R12 substitutes!

Environmentally friendly!


Oil Analyzers


FINALLY, our OIL ANALYZERS offer customers a cost effective and easy way to detect air conditioning oil levels and harmful acids in the oil a/c system.

May a/c compressor failures are caused by low oil levels and dirty contaminated oil in the a/c system.  The use of this low cosst oil analyzers can save you the cost of a new compressor - plus the down time caused by the replacement of a compressor!

Automotive and commercial installers can use existing service fittings to utilize our Oil Analyzers.

Simply run the compressor, set thermostat for continous run and allow system to operate for 5 minutes at a minimum.  Put an oil anlayzer on a low side valve and press down 2-3 times.  You can simply match the oil analyzer to the included results chart and check to see if you need more oil in your system or if your oil needs to be changed.

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